I lead the SOM Research Lab, a research group within the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3) at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.
Research lines
My research interests include:
- Formal methods
- Model-driven software engineering
- Software engineering for/with artificial intelligence (SE4AI/AI4SE)
- Tools for e-learning
If you are looking for a PhD advisor, you can find a list of open research lines here. I supervise PhD thesis within the Network and Information Technologies PhD Programme at the UOC Doctoral School. There is a yearly call for new candidates which opens around January, with a limited number of grants for exceptional candidates. If you are interested, please get in touch.
I have co-authored the following research tools:
- UMLtoCSP: A tool for the verification and validation of UML class diagrams annotated with OCL constraints.
UMLtoCSP is implemented in Java and uses the ECLiPSe contraint logic programming solver.
- EMFtoSCP: An evolution of UMLtoCSP for the analysis of class diagrams in EMF format.
- FeatureX: A tool for the extraction of feature models of a software product line from a set of textual requirements.
FeatureX is implemented in Python and uses the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) for the analysis of natural language text.
Research projects
I have participated in the following research projects:
- Design automation for embedded electronic system (2001-2002). Cadence Design Systems. Funding: 57.632€. Principal investigator: Dr. Jordi Cortadella (UPC, Spain)
- MAVERISH: Modeling, Verification and Analysis of Heterogeneous Systems (2002-2004). Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology CICYT TIC2001-2476. Funding: 275.000€. Principal investigator: Dr. Fernando Orejas (UPC, Spain)
- Design and construction of a conceptual modelling assistant (2009-2014). Spanish Ministry of Science and Education TIN2008-00444. Funding: 169.000€. Principal investigator: Dr. Antoni Olivé (UPC, Spain)
- Best practices in Bachelor’s final projects (2012). Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation E/A2011-0088. Funding: 22.566€. Principal investigator: Dr. Davínia Hernández-Leo (UPF, Spain)
- ICT-FLAG: Enhancing ICT education through Formative Assessment, Learning Analytics and Gamification (2014-2016). Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity TIN2013-45303-P. Funding: 63.712€. Principal investigators: Dr. Robert Clarisó and Dr. Santi Caballé (UOC, Spain).
- Open Data for All: an API-based infrastructure for exploiting online data sources (2017-2020). Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity TIN2016-75944-R. Funding: 77.198€. Principal investigator: Dr. Jordi Cabot (ICREA, Span)
- Spanish Research Network in Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) (2017-2019). Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitivity TIN2016-81836-REDT. Funding: 15.000€. Principal investigator: Dr. Robert Clarisó (UOC, Spain).
- MegaM@Rt2: MegaModelling at Runtime - scalable model-based framework for continuous development and runtime validation of complex systems (2017-2020). H2020 ECSEL Joint Undertaking #737494. Funding: 16.5M€. Principal investigator (UOC node): Dr. Jordi Cabot (ICREA, Spain).
- LOCOSS: Low-code development of smart software (2021-2024). Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation PID2020-114615RB-I00. Funding: 56.870€. Principal investigator: Dr. Robert Clarisó (UOC, Spain) and Dr. Jordi Cabot (ICREA, Spain).
- AIDOART: AI-augmented automation for efficient DevOps (2021-2024). H2020 ECSEL Joint Undertaking Project ID: 101007350. Funding: 234.966,05€ (UOC Node). Principal investigator (UOC node): Dr. Jordi Cabot (ICREA, Spain).
- TRANSACT: Transform safety-critical cyber-physical systems into distributed solutions for end-users and partners (2021-2024). H2020 ECSEL Joint Undertaking Project 2021 ID: 101007260. Funding: 312.448,44€ (UOC Node). Principal investigator (UOC node): Dr. Jordi Cabot (ICREA, Spain).
- BODI: Bots for Open Data Interactions - Conversational Interfaces to facilitate the access to public data (2021-2023). Proyectos I+D+i Pruebas de Concepto 2021, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation PDC2021-121404-I00. Funding: 91.600€. Principal investigator: Dr. Jordi Cabot (ICREA, Spain).
- BOSS: Bots Inteligentes para el desarrollo de Open Source (2022-2024). Proyectos Transición Ecológica y Transición Digital, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovationm TED2021-130331B-I00. Funding: 101.100€. Principal investigator: Dr. Javier Cánovas (UOC, Spain).
Scientific events
I have participated in the organization of several scientific events:
PC Member & Reviewer
PC Member:
Int. Conf. on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM’2019),
Int. Conf. on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS’2015, MODELS Educator Symposium’2018,2022),
Int. Conference On Tests and Proof (TAP’2011-2015),
Int. Conf. on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC’2018-2021),
Int. Conf. Appl. of Concurrency to System Design, (ACSD’2011, 2014),
European Conf. on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA’2021),
Int. Conf. on Model Transformation (ICMT’2010),
Int. Workshop on Gamification and Games for Learning (GamiLearn’2018-2022),
Int. Conf. on Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computing (INTERCON’2017-2018),
IEEE Andean Council International Conference (ANDESCON’2016),
Int. Workshop on OCL and Textual Modeling (OCL’2010-2017, 2019),
Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering, Logic and Optimization (MELO’2011,2016),
Workshop on Model-Driven Interoperability (MDI’2010),
Jornadas de Ingeniería del SW y BB.DD. (JISBD’2011-2015, 2017-2022).
Conference reviewer:
Journal Reviewer: IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering Methodology, Journal of Systems and Software, Software and Systems Modeling, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, IEEE Transactions on CAD, IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, Information Systems, Science of Computer Programming, Formal Aspects of Computing, Software Quality Journal, IET Software, Journal of Object Technology, Computer Languages, Systems and Structures, Software: Practice & Experience, Higher Order and Symbolic Computation, Journal of Web Semantics, Simulation, Computers & Electrical Engineering, Educational Technology in Higher Education, Computer, Fundamenta Informaticae.